Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Criticizing "Snake-Oil" Criticists

In this post i will criticize the audiophile criticists,the one who criticizes everything and turns everything into "Snake-Oil".

Anything you read expresses only my personal opinion which i got up with after ACTUAL testing that took up many hours for a single thing,and not whatever i've been told or talking in theory,or with what i believe like the anti-cable guys.

From what should i start? Cables? Biwiring?

I'm starting from Audiophile Speaker Cables:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Using Xonar Essence STX with Edifier S550 or 5.1 Systems

I saw a search query on the stats on this matter so i'm starting a post to give information about it,just in case anyone needs it.

So this is how to and when you can use a Stereo Sound Card/DAC like Xonar Essence STX with a Multichannel System like the Edifier s550 for Surround Sound.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Asus Xonar Essence STX - Review

There's a while since i got my Asus Xonar Essence STX,so after listened to it enough to judge it,i decided to write a Review about it,well i already had requests though.

Asus Xonar Essence STX
So let's start with the basics.

Here is the link of the Sound Card's Page in Asus.com:

I suggest you to visit it because if i post the important properties here,this post will end up bigger than i'm expecting.

Let's now proceed with (i hope) Detailed Photos.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Criticizing Subwoofers! Useless in Music...

 Sunfire True EQ-12
I have heard a lot of people saying that if your system doesn't contain a subwoofer,woa,it automatically sucks!
For no reason! What the...?

This is why best sounding systems are getting underated.

In my opinion a Subwoofer for Music Listening is one of the biggest mistakes ever!
Except cases like there's a need of subwoofer like HUGE rooms like Party rooms in which PA Equipment gets place,and the owner have done measurements to set it right.

If you think you know,and that's why you have a Subwoofer,well i DON'T say that you DON'T,but most people doesn't even have an idea.

Let's see some examples:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Logitech z-5500 Facts by Fanboys

So this is a week in which i'm getting tired because of the fanboys... again...

This is something like FAQs with a bit of rant.

Let's start.

Fanboy: Logitech z-5500 is 500w,beat this!!!

Well,even if we say the 500w wasn't a HUGE lie,do i look like i give a damn?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Systems that can kill Logitech ones

With simple words... Let's open fanboystic eyes that are thinking the z-5500 and the z-2300 are the only one out there because logitech claims high wattage (and ignorance) at the time that there some of the worst sounding compared to the systems you can build!

*Koda SL-601FSCW (Unlisted in this post) - 350 Euros

Let's go...

5.1 Surround System number one:

Koda AV-900S

A/V Receiver: Pioneer VSX-418 - 200 Euros.
Front/Center Speakers: Koda AV-900S/C - 70 Euros.
Surround Back Speakers: Koda EX-686S - 50 Euros.
1) Koda SW-1000 - 100 Euros.
2) Koda SW-10A - 120 Euros.
3) Yamaha YST-SW030 - 100-130 Euros.

Total Cost: Approximate 420 Euros.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Frequency Response Of Speakers-Subwoofers

Did i started talking about the Frequency Response of the Marketing? Not really because the things will go far,but sometimes you have to go far.

Well,except Watts the manufactures are also faking the Frequency Response of there product,so you'll think a speaker will go lower.

A Frequency Response stated by a manufacturer will be trustable only if the manufacturer state how it's measured.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More Speakers - More Volume... Ahmm NOT!

In the knowledge of many people,more Speakers = More volume,the double Decibels,or whatever... Not really...

This Article should be read after you read one of the previous Articles called "Explaining The Watts" because we are also messing with Watts here,and i'm sure i'll hear someone saying 2x100w = Double Louder than 1x100w.

More Speakers = The same volume,but why they sound louder?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Amplifier Wattage Ratings - Traps

In this post i will explain what's the matter with the output Wattage of the Amplifiers.

After i explained what's happening with the Watts in the article called "Explaining The Watts",i think it's time to face the truth about the marketing tactics and the fake rates on the Amplifiers.

Every single Amplifier out there (well... not the chinese) are having Power Ratings like Watts RMS,Maximum,or even Peak Power.

Here you can find the explanation of the above and some of the other rates:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Speaker Impedance Varies!

Huh... The impedance's on the plate ready to be served.

I guess most of you while you're reading this don't know that your 8ohms speakers are also 4ohms,6ohms,10ohms,and maybe 50ohms aswell.

No? That's what i guessed... Continue reading...

Low Frequencies Can't Be Heard

If you enjoyed the previous post and it opened your eyes,trust me,you gonna love this!

Now if we say that after splitting blood you've made a subwoofer or bought one that really can produce 20hz... What now? A question... Where you actually gonna place it and what you gonna play?

Tuning Frequency Mistakes

This is also a matter which if was a lesson on your school,it would be definitely in the Grade 12th of the NonKnowledge.

This is a very common mistake mostly done from those who are making subwoofers and more deep in detail,car subwoofers.

You're pretty basically getting a random woofer driver that is rated at 100000w and making calculations for a ported box that can tune as lower is possible at crazy frequencies like 10hz? 20hz?

If you are one of those,this article seems that is written and dedicated to you.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Explaining the WATTS!

Watts... Watts? Most people will ask you "How much watts can blow out?" just to see how loud it can go.

If your Hi-Fi system has a 10000w amplifier and 10000w speakers will it be loud?

The answer is YES and NO at the same time!

Watts means the amount of power on many things including speakers,but before we talk about power ratings we should mention the magic word --> Efficiency.


Well you probably know who i am but in case you don't know,i'm Truebassb from Youtube.

This is a blog in which i will try to write some things to make you lose your Audio Ignorance in case you're ignorant and talking about Watts all the time,or give you knowledge in case you don't know so you can be smarter than a marketing fish.

No i'm not going to be into blogging,i hate blogs,i just needed a whole mine place to write and archive some things instead of writing them on Forums and watching them going to the bottom of the pages after a while.